DevOps vs. Agile: Key Differences You Need To Know
Software development is one of the most growing industries in the world. According to verified sources, global spending on software will probably surpass $600 billion by 2022. With more organizations acknowledging the importance of well-developed software, the numbers are likely to rise sooner than expected.
Currently, the industry takes pride in different software development methodologies. On top of the list, we have two principal methodologies known as DevOps and Agile. While both options are relatively similar, each has its shares of strengths and weaknesses. This section will discuss DevOps vs. Agile and more on the disparities that put them apart.
1. What is DevOps?
The DevOps methodology focuses on collaborating between software developers and other IT professionals in a given company or department. It combines a development team and infrastructure team working closely towards the building, testing, releasing, and maintaining applications.
DevOps emerged as a response to traditional software development practices back in 2009. At the time, there was a growing demand for faster releases and more reliable software. The DevOps methodology proved to be an efficient way to address these concerns.
2. What is Agile?
On the other hand, agile is a software development process that emphasizes individuals and interactions over processes and tools. It allows for a flexible response to change by breaking down complex tasks into small increments. This makes it possible to track progress and delivery at all times.
Introduced in 2001, agile has become one of the most popular software development methodologies in use today.
3. DevOps vs. Agile: Which one is Better?
Now that we understand each methodology well, it’s time to compare DevOps and Agile based on various parameters.
3.1. Purpose
Agile’s primary purpose revolves around speeding up the development process while ensuring high quality. However, DevOps focuses more on optimizing workflow instead of speeding up production. More specifically, it ensures that software developers have a smooth workflow when working with other professionals inside their department or company.
3.2. Data Exploration
DevOps has proven to be more effective when it comes to data exploration. However, agile is undoubtedly the winner when it comes to innovation and hacking. In fact, the term “agile” was first coined when developers looked for a way to hack their way through product development.
3.3. Implementation
Agile is better suited for small teams in implementation, while DevOps is ideal for larger groups. After all, Agile relies on close communication and collaboration between team members; it can be challenging to scale up. On the other hand, experts can quickly adapt DevOps to different team sizes without affecting productivity.
3.4. Risk vs. speed
Agile is known for taking more risks to speed up the process. In some cases, this can lead to faulty products. On the other hand, DevOps is more cautious when it comes to risk-taking, but this often leads to slower releases.
3.5. Goal
The goal of agile is to deliver high-quality software promptly. The goal of DevOps is not just limited to meeting deadlines, but also focuses on improving the overall quality of the software.
3.6. Methodology
Agile relies heavily on sprints, which is quite the opposite of DevOps regarding the actual methodology. Typically, Agile teams work in 2-4 week sprints while reflecting on their progress and making necessary changes. DevOps teams, on the other hand, do not rely on sprints. Instead, they use different tools to manage workflow.
3.7. Automation
Both agile and DevOps are known for focusing on automation. However, DevOps takes this concept further by using tools to manage the software development process.
3.8. Tools
The specific tools used differ between each methodology. For example, agile relies heavily on JIRA, while DevOps uses Jenkins as its primary tool.
3.9. Time factor
Development times depend highly on the size of the company or department implementing either methodology. Smaller teams can deliver new features faster under either method due to their set deadlines and limited members.
Bigger groups often have more room for error under either methodology because there is ample time to fix issues before delivery if they arise.
3.10. Challenges
Both agile and DevOps face challenges when it comes to implementation. Agile teams can struggle with scaling up, while DevOps teams can often be slow to adapt to change.
3.11. Advantages
Agile is popular in the startup world because it requires minimal resources and it’s easy to implement. More prominent companies can also benefit from agile due to its flexibility. Likewise, larger companies with more resources prefer using DevOps.
3.12. Documentation
Agile documentation is typically light, but very detailed. This includes user stories, acceptance criteria, and product demonstrations. On the other hand, DevOps favors less documentation but more code commenting.
3.13. Stakeholders
Different stakeholders prefer Agile and DevOps for various reasons. Users and customers choose Agile because it allows them to be more involved in product development. Oppositely, developers and managers opt for DevOps because it helps optimize their workflow.
Bottom Line
Ultimately, the final choice boils down to what your company needs. If you are looking for a methodology that prioritizes collaboration and emphasizes working software, Agile is the best option. However, if you give preference to a method that focuses on the entire company and combines both development and infrastructure teams, DevOps is the way to go. Whichever your choice, make sure you research properly to avoid future complications.